Monday, November 06, 2006

A spout of anger

All right, now I’m becoming impatient. The other night I was at work, listening to the radio when a political ad comes on. It consisted of a right wing man (whom of which had the worst country bumpkin accent I have ever heard) come out and criticize the left wing candidate for supporting gay marriage, saying that first it will be gays, then lesbians, then pedophiles. Then, (this is what I really have a problem with), he brought it to religion, stating that gays threaten the sanctity of marriage and that we need to keep it the way God meant it be: one man, one woman. Then he went on the spree that it was Adam and Eve; not Adam and Steve, and it was Romeo and Juliet; not Romeo and Julio, (what Shakespeare has to do with the bible, I don’t know).

But I guess what really gets my goat is when the deity that I personally choose to believe in is used in order to not only excuse, but also back fascism. It may say in the bible that it is wrong but people don’t realize how much was added during the dark ages by the roman catholic church in order to control the population, but one thing in the Bible that stands true, something that dates back to the original scriptures is that we are all sinners, all equal and should be held equal in this world may we be judged in the next. And to add insult to injury religion is not even supposed to be part of the governmental process.

Note that these are my own personal beliefs and it is not my intention to impress them upon any of you for fear that I may be bludgeoned to death by a large blunt object.


Anonymous said...

The country is polarized right now about many issues. The war in Iraq, abortion, gay rights, terrorism, and the list goes on.

Until we realize that we are more alike than we are different, not much will change. Respecting each other doesn't seem like such a difficult thing to me. It seems to b be. Change comes slowly, and sometimes painfully. As I commented on one of your posts before, it all begins with a single voice. Maybe that voice will be yours.

Nathan said...
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Elizabeth said...

Hatred is something there is far too much of in this country. Until we can all understand that love is something that any two people can share, whether man+women, man+man or women+women, and that the government has no right to dictate our emotions and the bonds that we share because of them.

Tamra Jennell said...

I am sorry do the highest people not use money and support the saying "In God We Trust." Our founding fathers put that there because that is what the United States was at one time what you call "bible thumpers." Which on that topic I do not like that you refer to christens as "bible thumpers." I do not stereotype you so don’t do it to me. I put personal beliefs so deal with it. We can argue about it all we want you cannot change my mind. I think its wrong and that is that. I respect your beliefs so do the same for me.

Nathan said...

Ok first off in response to your first sentence… HUH?

I did not “refer to christens as bible thumpers.” (Oh and it’s spelled Christians). I did not target any single person nor any specific set of beliefs(Jews use a Bible too). I did not stereotype in any sense of the word I merely tried to cut any religious argument out of the discussion. Obviously to no avail.

I respect your beliefs. And try reading my post again I called no one a bible thumper. I am sorry if my comments offended you. I did not mean to imply that you or anyone else was a bible thumper. It seems that you are very adamant about your beliefs but you facts are a little off.

For your information our "founding fathers" fled England to escape religious persecution. To free themselves from the religiously oppressive regime. Christians, Jews, Mormons, and Quakers alike. Attempting to use our “founding fathers” and implying that they were bible thumpers as a defense for your nonsensical intolerance for a someone’s sexual orientation is disgusting.

Look I don’t really want to dissect your post anymore so I am going to go read a book and chill for the rest of my quiet time. No hard feelings, I meant no offense and I apologize once again for whatever I may have said (truth or not) to upset you.

And to clear something up this is my definition of bible thumping.

Bible Thumping
Verb: the act of relentlessly promoting Christian religious ideas in attempt to defend ones point of view.

Unknown said...

Don’t play that card, and do not use my religion as a base for fascism. You do not even know the general idea of offense when something you hold sacred is taken and used it manner of hatred. You’re not hearing this from an atheist; you’re hearing it from a fellow Christian and a devout catholic. It sickens me this is what this has boiled down to. Oh, and yes, your reference to the founding fathers, might I add that George Washington was a rapist with syphilis, Benjamin Franklin was an infamous womanizer, and the rest were no saints either. Now back to Christianity, the religion that teaches us not to judge others with different lifestyles. It also teaches us to be tolerant and merciful. Don’t believe me? There’s and new book that has been out for a couple thousand years now, oh what is it? That’s right, the bible, stop thumping it and read it, you might learn something about your religion.

Amanda T said...

I don't want to start an argument with this, but I really believe we are hearing some very good opinions. But to Jake, when you say that we are not supposed to judge others because that's what it says in the bible. Well, it also says that mam and man and woman and woman are not allowed. What is your take on that situation? I am not trying to impose me religion on anyone. I am just trying to see where everyone stands.

Unknown said...

It does say that, yes, but the bible also says that we will all be judged in the afterlife as sinners by God. It is not your place to judge other sinners nor my place so we should all be held equal until that time.

Nobody's better than anyone else lest we be judged by other standards. I hold my own standards for myself but I dont hold them towards others. The bible is not a rule bookand should not be used in such a manner.

Olivia said...

I agree with Lauren and Elizabeth. How can you hate someone for loving someone? If you are going to look down on a person for loving someone of the same gender then I feel bad for you. Gay people, lesbians, and straight people should all have the right to love and be happily married if they wish. Everyone deserves the right to be married (even people different from yourself) So your not gay, but can't you try to see things through another persons eyes. Gay people don't make the choice to be gay. They just are. The bible says it should be man and woman.. thats nice... but hey who said the bible is true now? No one really will ever know that. Love is true..

Amanda T said...

We never said the Bible was true. That is just what we believe. And not all Homosexuals are just gay. Some choose to be gay. And the way I believe it that is wrong. Whether they choose to or not. Not saying that its the truth. It's just what I believe.

Unknown said...

I never criticized you for being an athiest so don't even begin to dump on my beliefs. Lets keep this civil.

Unknown said...

I created this blog so that people could freely share their opinions on social, moral, and political issues within reason, And I am insulted that you would refer to something that I hold sacred as blunt fiction.

Nathan said...

Yeah seriously guys, stop ripping on each other and get back on topic or let this post die. I try my best to not kick dirt on anyone's beliefs. Waving your hand and dismissing people so arrogantly as to say “You rather believe in fiction than truth and reality? I'm sorry but that's really sad” is as “sad” as it gets. It really rubs all my fur in the wrong direction when I think anyone could be that arrogant. Your callous disregard for other people’s feelings and beliefs is really sick and you should take it from me, I’ve lost far too many a friendship to spats concerning religion. You really do have to be respectful and civil when discussing it with people of faith (whichever they may follow). I am a “devout” atheist. Does that stop me from remaining civil and explaining myself when someone feels offended by something I said? No. In “faithsaber” battles it is best to either be rational, respectful, and non-offensive or shut up.

EoLhC said...

I really have to agree with Olivia, "How can we hate someone for loving?" It really says a lot. I am one that sees no point in the Gay Amendment. You can't help who you love. There's nothing wrong with it. Well, just my beliefs.